Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Speaking Game for Students


Hello everyone, welcome to my blog :)

Today I am going to share you some games in English.

The game called Chain Game. 

The steps :

1. Divide students into several teams and have each team form a line. 

2. Explain that the first student is going to say a vocabulary word from the unit learned.

3. The next student will repeat the word and then say another one. 

4. The third student will repeat the first two words and add another one and so on.

5. The team that says the longest chain of words wins. 

Next game is Word Tennis Game

The steps :

1. Divide the class into two teams

2. Pretend that there is a ball that bounces back and forth between the two teams

3. The first student in team A will say a word and pass the ball to team B. (for example : words about activities) 

4. The first student on Team B must also say a word and then pass the ball to the second student on team A. 

5. Teams get a point each time they say a word

6. If a student repeats a word or cannot answer, the opposite team gets point

7. Repeat the whole process for different words sets.

Today I would like to share you an English game called conversation relay.


1. Divide students into several teams with equal numbers of students and have them form lines.

2. The student in line asks the student in from of him or her a question using the grammar structure. 

WHEN'S YOUR BIRTHDAY? You may use whatever sentences you want.

3. The other student answers and turns around to ask the next student the same question.

4. When the question and answer reach the front of the line, the first student in the line runs to the back of the line and asks the question again. 

5. This continues until the first student is back in his or her original position. The first team to achieve this wins. 

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